The Beauty of a Single Setting
‘Chamber piece’ is a term sometimes used to describe movies/plays that take place in a single location, typically with few set characters. Honestly, that term seems to be used for orchestral music most of the time, but it sounds cool so let’s say it works for both. Regardless. Movies that focus entirely or primarily on one setting are awesome and I’m here to talk about that. When a movie has nowhere to travel, it encourages creativity. The implied contexts of various locations cannot be used, and the audience becomes comfortable within one social context - such as that of a restaurant (My Dinner With Andre) or a suburban neighbourhood (The ‘Burbs (arguably fits into this category, I’m gonna say it does)). With this narrow lens on one place, many of these films subvert or satirize the social expectations upheld in certain contexts. A magnifying glass is placed upon both the limited cast and the sole location, causing the viewer to contemplate the odd rituals and expectations of the everyday.
Director Spotlight: Gregg Araki
Why is Gregg Araki so special? [coming soon]
Rainy Cartoons
I love rain. [coming soon]